Electric vibrators are industrial vibrators that use reliable electric power to facilitate the flow of wet or dry materials in various industrial applications. The use of rotary electric and linear electromagnetic vibrators to solve bin/hopper and chute flow issues, coupled with their use in conveying, screening, and sizing equipment provides many advantages to modern industry. Reliable and economical electric power is available or easily accessible at almost every plant and in most plant’s remote locations. It is an efficient and readily accessible method to transmit energy to a range of electric motors including electric vibrators.
Advantages of Using Electric Vibrators
Power to Weight Ratio:
Rotary electric vibrators efficiently convert electrical energy into rotational torque which yields up to 67,100 lbs. of an omnidirectional centrifugal force output coupled with a consistent and repeatable number of vibrations per minute.
Electromagnetic electric vibrators efficiently convert electrical energy into a straight-line impact force which yields up to ____ lbs of specific direction impact which can be easily adjusted by controlling the input current, allowing precise control over the force generated.
Long Life:
Both rotary and electromagnetic electric vibrators can provide a 20-year service life when maintained properly.
Electric vibrators can be designed into equipment where consistent operation is essential to enable the cost-effective production of materials that require specified size and mixture characteristics. For 80 years, we’ve helped users in a wide range of industries take advantage of these benefits in a variety of controlled, repeatable vibration applications. AIRMATIC provides the largest selection of robust, cost-effective rotary electric and linear electromagnetic vibrators from the world’s leading manufacturers. Allow us to solve your bulk solids flow problem and we’ll handle it.