Sometimes called Pre-Cleaners when used as the initial belt scraper in a multi-cleaner system or Doctor Blades when used as a single belt cleaner, this group of belt scrapers is engineered to efficiently remove the majority of the material that would otherwise cling to the belt and then drop off along the return run. Installed on the face of the head pulley just below the trajectory of the discharging payload, Primary Cleaners peel-off most of this carryback so that it falls with the main cargo. Primary Cleaners use a urethane blade tensioned at low to moderate pressure to reduce belt wear, allow the blade to bounce away from the belt when a splice or obstruction is encountered, and improve blade life. There is a model and blade style that is easy to install and easy to service for any belt width, belt condition, speed, bulk material, ambient temperature, material size, moisture content and discharge chute configuration.
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